Odor Treatment

We can help you with your odor issue! Many have already tried store-bought deodorizers that have failed. Our proven method guarantees immediate and lasting results for any odor and sanitizing issue for as little as $19.95 per room.
American Stainmaster has industrial-strength enzymatic cleaning solutions​ to solve any odor problem or peace of mind for a new home. We also offer same-day emergency clean-up.
We can treat the backing and padding of carpet and furniture.
With our enzymatic solutions it dissolves the odors it does not mask them. The near-miracle-working, odor-absorbing substances we use takes care of most common foul smells, which include, but are not limited to, mildew, urine, pet odors, smoke, skunk odor removal, sewage, and so on. Our deodorizers are non-toxic, non-flammable, and completely safe for pets and kids, and they will significantly improve the comfort of your living space. Once you start smelling something in the air that is foul, and doesn’t seem to be going away, make sure to call us a reliable, professional carpet cleaning company to get rid of the odor as soon as possible. - Call us today with any questions - 210-440-6461
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